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Crema in Fallas of Valencia on March 19 night all figures are burned as end of celebration
Izmir, Turkey - May 5, 2016: Hidirellez night. people have fun with jumping over the fire and making wishes. Hidirellez is celebrated as day on which prophets hizir and ilyas met on the earth at 5-6 May every year.
Alicante, Spain. June 24, 2023. Many people in the center of Alicante contemplating how a bonfire of San Juan burns, while a fireman shoots water on different nearby areas so that they do not overheat
Busto Arsizio, Italy - 2024 Jan, 25: It is customary to burn the puppets that represent winter and the troubles of the past.\nA propitiatory and identity rite, to be experienced together in the streets and squares of the city.
This photo conveys the power of fire. This isn't about the Los Angeles fires, here we are at a traditional holiday called the Midsummer Fire.
Valencia, Spain - March 20 2017. Traditional art festival with statues and monuments constructed with wood and papier mache, displayed in the streets and culminating in the burning. Celebrating Saint Joseph
Las Fallas is Valencia’s most important festival. The festival lasts five days and begins with the erection of monuments and processions of people in folk costumes. On the last day of the holiday, the monuments are set on fire.
Barcelona, Spain - 09/21/2024 Celebration of the autumn equinox or end of summer, Correfoc.\nBlurred motion captures people celebrating with fireworks, creating a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere in Carrer de Gracia.
A large fire being lit to burn the effigies of Ravana, the evil on the occasion of Dussera in India.
Burning a figure on the last day of the Las Fallas festival. La Crema. Valencia, Spain - March 19, 2024.
Bonfires of San Juan in Galicia. Nigran - Spain
Boy standing in front of fire
Cremà of 2014 Cullera Falles
Big Easter fire behind the dike
Alicante, Spain. June 25, 2023. Crowd of people in the avenue of the station of Alicante, recording and taking pictures with their cell phones, while burning a bonfire on the night of San Juan.
Barcelona, Spain - 09/21/2024 Celebration of the autumn equinox or end of summer, Correfoc.\nLively night festival featuring dynamic fireworks and energetic participants in motion in Carrer de Gracia.
Izmir, Turkey - May 5, 2019: Hidirellez night. people have fun with jumping over the fire and making wishes. Hidirellez is celebrated as day on which prophets hizir and ilyas met on the earth at 5-6 May every year.
Las Fallas is Valencia’s most important festival. The festival lasts five days and begins with the erection of monuments and processions of people in folk costumes. On the last day of the holiday, the monuments are set on fire.
Valencian Falla burning in a street
the festival of Giöbia
Falla of Valencia on fire on march 19 th Saint Josef night
Gandia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain - March 20, 2023: Ninots burning at Cremá, is the last event of Fallas de Valencia festival, when the Ninots are burning around the city with a fireworks display over the sky.\n\nLas Fallas or \
Alicante, Spain. June 23, 2023. Night photograph of a group of people on the beach of Alicante, celebrating with bonfires the night of San Juan, the shortest night of the year, on the summer solstice.
Barcelona, Spain - 09/21/2024 Celebration of the autumn equinox or end of summer, Correfoc.\nDynamic festival scene featuring a performer facing a costumed figure amidst fireworks and a captivated crowd in Carrer de Gracia.
ninots in the cream of the failures of valence
Bonfire on the southern hemisphere solstice.
Valencia, Spain - March 19, 2019: End of the Valencian festivities of Fallas, Monument faller consumed in the fire in high flares.
explosives in action at night
Burning mannequins in the streets - Las Fallas, where huge models are constructed and then burnt, a traditional celebration for Saint Joseph on March 19 of Valencia, Spain. Celebration happens every year
Fire Fighter silhouetted in front of fire.
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