Free Images: "bestof:...Eng THOM Libe 1735 Olive-green goatskin tooled in gold and blind (no gold, silver of colours used) enclosing an armorial device of Alexander H. Turnbull."
- Upper cover (c67i8).jpg
- Upper cover (c67a13).jpg
Bible - Upper cover (c67b8).jpg
Eusebia Triumphans - Upper cover (Davis150).jpg
L'office de la semaine sainte - Upper cover (c67b3).jpg
Works - Upper cover (C66I12).jpg
Antiquae urbis splendor. - Upper cover (c68d1).jpg
Carmen Irenicum - Upper cover (c67f12).jpg
Motifs de la conversion de M***. - Upper cover (c67b10).jpg
L'Ami des femmes. - Spine (c27e16).jpg
Sermon - Upper cover (1,12E+68).jpg
Here begynneth a goodly treatyse - Upper cover (c40c17).jpg
Orlando Furioso - Upper cover (c57l20).jpg
Veneris Tribunal - Upper cover (c63a12).jpg
Jurisprudence des codes criminels - Upper cover (c188a4).jpg
Les Confessions du Comte de **, etc - Upper cover (c150i10).jpg
Petri Alcyonii medices legatus de exsilio. - Upper cover (c24b28).jpg
Jane Shore ... Regulated from the prompt-book, etc- - Upper cover (c71cc13).jpg
La vie de Saint Martin - Upper cover (c47h4).jpg
Duodecimal Arithmetick - Upper cover (49a14).jpg
Leonidas- a poem. - Upper cover (C104a23).jpg
Begin. -C-onsueverunt pater beatissime. - Upper cover (c14c4).jpg
-fragment of binding only- - Upper cover (LR406i9 item 294).jpg
Recueil de l'Academie des Jeux Floraux, 1829 - Upper cover (c154c17).jpg
Philippicae - Upper and lower cover and spine (c20b28).jpg
-Istoria de Papa Alexandro e de Federicho barbarossa. - Upper cover (c40g3).jpg
La historia de los dos enamorados - Binder's ticket (G10203).jpg
La historia de los dos enamorados - Doublure (G10203).jpg
La historia de los dos enamorados - Spine (G10203).jpg
La historia de los dos enamorados - Upper cover (G10203).jpg
Officio della B. Vergine Maria - Upper cover (c47d13).jpg
Le iscrittioni poste sotto le vere imagini degli huomini famosi - Upper cover (Davis506).jpg
Office de la Semaine Sainte, Latin-Fran-cois - Upper cover (c69e15).jpg
Eruditissimi Grammatici ... N. Feretti ... Opera -Utilissima - Upper cover (c47l15).jpg
Eruditissimi Grammatici ... N. Feretti ... Opera -Utilissima - Lower cover (c47l15).jpg
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri superstites - Upper cover (c67a5).jpg
Modus legendi in vtro- iure- ab his que olim tum diminute - Upper cover (c64e6).jpg
L'Ami des femmes. - Upper cover (c27e16).jpg
Ensaio de varios meios com que se intenta salvar - Upper cover (c67b2).jpg
-A brefe chronycle concernynge the examinacyon and death - Endleaves (C29h9).jpg
Oeuvres completes - Upper cover (c154b2).jpg
The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance. -A reply to Salem - Upper cover (c21b41).jpg
The tomb of Alexander - Upper cover (c155a4).jpg
La lengua de Erasmo roterodamo nueuamente romanc¸ada por muy elegante estilo - Upper cover (c20c26).jpg
Libro primero delas sergas del muy esforc¸ado cauallero Esplandian - Upper cover (c20d26).jpg
-De Praeparatione ad Mortem - Preparacion y aparejo para bien morir - Upper cover (c53aa2).jpg
-A brefe chronycle concernynge the examinacyon and death - Lower cover and spine (C29h9).jpg
A Funeral Poem to the memory of ... John, Earl of -Dundonald - Upper cover (c66f16).jpg
Il primo Canto dell'Iliade d'Omero. - Upper cover (76a1).jpg
Ioannis Basadona ... de ueriori mortalium fine ac-f-licitate. dyalogus primus. Eiusdem de intellectuali natura - Upper cover (c47f14).jpg
Divine harmony - Upper and lower cover and spine (c68b6).jpg
Del Paradiso Perduto. Poema Inglese di Giovanni Milton. Traduzzione di P. Rolli. - Upper cover (74i14).jpg
The History and Antiquities of Bristol ... Illustrated -with copper-plate prints - - Upper cover (c55k1).jpg
Le courroux de la mort cotre les angloys donnant proesse couraige aux Francoys. - Upper cover (C59g2).jpg
Incipit tractatus ... joh'is nider ... de morali lepra. G.L. MS. notes. (C. Winters de Homborch- - Upper cover (c11a11).jpg
Æsop’s Fables, with his Life- in English, French & Latin. Newly translated ... - Upper cover (82l18).jpg
De proxenetis, et proxeneticis tractatus -bound with other works- - Upper cover (Davis224).jpg
La Testudine, etc - Upper cover (c67a20).jpg
Prediche di Recanati - Upper cover (c47l7).jpg
De philosophia - Upper cover (Davis809).jpg
Fabbriche antiche designate da A. Palladio date in luce da R., Conte di Burlington. - Upper cover (62i6).jpg
Meditac¸o~es, e homilias sobre alguns mysterios da vida de nosso Redemptor, & sobre algu¯s lugares do Sancto Euangelho - Upper cover (c62aa20).jpg
An account of the visit of the Prince Regent to the University of Oxford - Upper cover (c7d12).jpg
Miracles- a Seatonian prize poem. -and- The Epiphany- a Seatonian prize poem. -and- Saint Paul at Athens, a Seatonian Prize Poem. - Upper cover (c155a5).jpg
Livre singulier et utile... de geometrie. -and- Raison d'architecture antique ... traduit d'Espagnol. - Upper cover (Davis367).jpg
Scintilla altaris - Upper cover (c67d9).jpg
Rituum Sacrarum Cerimoniarum Ve-n. Monasterij & Collegij S. Bernardi in S. Susanna de Urbe Cisterciensis Ordinis -libri tres, ... - Lower cover (c47g3).jpg
A harmonie upon the three evangelists, Matthewe, Marke and Luke - Upper cover (c67d12).jpg
Viellerley wuderbarlicher Thier des Erdtrichs, Mehrs und des Luffts, allen anfahenden Malern und Goldtschmieden nutzlich ... - Upper cover (c27h10).jpg
Descrittione della vener. chiesa parochiale del Santissimo- Salvatore della corte di Roma .. - Upper cover (C128d4).jpg
-Testimony of a doctorate, granted to Ioannes Franciscus Rossi- Manuscript on parchment - Upper cover (Davis852).jpg
The Glories and ... Triumphs of the ... Restitution of K. Charles II. from his arrival in Holland 1659-60 till this present, etc. - Upper cover (292d7).jpg
The History and Antiquities of Bristol ... Illustrated with copper-plate prints. (Bristol - William Pine, -1789-) -10 vols In this copy numerous maps, plans, portraits and documents, collect - Upper cover (C55k1).jpg
Milton's Paradise Lost. A new edition, by Richard Bentley, D.D. MS. notes -of Dr. Bentley's, transcribed by J. Mitford from a copy of the 1720 edition of the poem used by Bentley-. (Printed - Spine (83k23).jpg
Milton's Paradise Lost. A new edition, by Richard Bentley, D.D. MS. notes -of Dr. Bentley's, transcribed by J. Mitford from a copy of the 1720 edition of the poem used by Bentley-. (Printed - Lower cover (83k23).jpg
LETTERS of Antonio Priolo, Doge of Venice, to the Lieutenant, Rectors, etc., of Friuli, certifying his grant to Horatio Manino, citizen of Udine, of investiture of feudal rights in Fagagna, - Lower cover (Add Ms 17032).jpg
Aedes Barberinae ad Quirinalem ... descriptae. -With plates.- -Romæ - Mascardus, 1642. - Lower cover (C108h12).jpg
Opera noua contemplatiua ogni fidel christiano laquale tratta de le figure del testamento vecchio- le quale figure sonno verificate nel testamento nuouo- con lc -sic- sue expositionc -sic-- - Endleaves (C17a11).jpg
Opera noua contemplatiua ogni fidel christiano laquale tratta de le figure del testamento vecchio- le quale figure sonno verificate nel testamento nuouo- con lc -sic- sue expositionc -sic-- - Binder's ticket (C17a11).jpg
Liber Vitae of Newminster and Hyde, with register, charters, customs, the will of Alfred the Great, benedictions and order of Mass, etc. -Manuscript--Origin England, S. W. (Winchester) - Dat - Spine (Stowe Ms 944).jpg
Liber Vitae of Newminster and Hyde, with register, charters, customs, the will of Alfred the Great, benedictions and order of Mass, etc. -Manuscript--Origin England, S. W. (Winchester) - Dat - (Stowe Ms 944).jpg
Noticia de los cuadros que se hallan colocados en la-Galeria del Museo del Rey nuestro Senor, sito en el Prado de esta corte. - Upper cover (c154h8).jpg
Annals of the Militia being the Records of the South -Devon Regiment -from memoranda put together by Colonel Fisk, - Upper cover (c60i23).jpg
1. A glasse of the truthe -an argument by way of dialogue, between a Lawyer and a Divine; that the marriage of Henry VIII. with Catharine of Aragon was unlawful; and that the cause ought to - Ticket (G1237).jpg
1. A glasse of the truthe -an argument by way of dialogue, between a Lawyer and a Divine; that the marriage of Henry VIII. with Catharine of Aragon was unlawful; and that the cause ought to - Upper cover (G1237).jpg
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