Keywords: World map of countries by number of cigarettes smoked per adult per year.svg number of cigarettes smoked per adult per year 2007 <math>\mathrm x \frac \mathrm annual\ consumption\ of\ cigarettes \mathrm population </math> fr Carte de la consomation de tabac dans le monde Chaque pays est colorié en fonction du nombre moyen de cigarettes consommées par adulte et par an en 2007 <br> <math>\mathrm x \frac \mathrm consomation\ annuelle\ de\ cigarettes \mathrm population </math> http //www tobaccoatlas org/downloads/xls/TA3-07-Cigarette-Consumption2 xls ERC 2007 World Cigarettes 1 The 2007 Report ERC Statistics Intl PIc Population data is from Central Intelligence Agency 2007 The World Factbook 2007 Washington Government Printing Office Map created in Inkscape using public domain sources 2009-08-25 Jolly Janner <gallery> File World map of countries by number of cigarettes smoked per adult per year png High resolution bitmap </gallery> Cigarette consumption per country 00 39 4 September 2009 UTC World map of countries by number of cigarettes smoked per adult per year svg Tobacco-related world maps |