Keywords: Wilhelm Xylander - Fishing boats on the sea by the light of a full moon - Google Art Project.jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Skagens Museum commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title Fishing boats on the sea by the light of a full moon core date dateCreated 1884 core format w52 x h37 cm Without frame core type Oil on canvas core rights Skagens Museum art artist_date 1840-04-01/1913-10-15 art artist_nationality Danish c-0d8a08e5 customtext original_title Fiskerbåde på søen i fuldmåneskær c-0d8a08e5 customtext german_title Fischerboote auf dem Meer bei Vollmond c-0d8a08e5 creator painter Wilhelm Xylander google display_date 1884 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google street_view_asset/id EgG8_cSw-IrjfQ google street_view_level/id 6291987383502185979 google street_view_location 57 7246208190918 10 597329139709473 0 89999997615814209 41q4hFRQOI_KDwsq_8nzww google partner/id 000000000d8a08e5 google picasa_token uInHFAydKeQd6AdcCqhS6Cie_MY special url_id jgGi52R2kzHucg google partner/name Skagens Museum special partner/name_no_lang Skagens Museum PD-old-100-1923 1913 Google Art Project works by Wilhelm Xylander Paintings in Skagens Museum |