Keywords: US-LibraryOfCongress-BookLogo.svg A logo of the Unites States Library of Congress which became the main logo on the Library's website in early 2008 Designed by Sagi Haviv of Chermayeff Geismar Haviv Extracted from PDF version of http //www loc gov/bibliographic-future/news/response to a working group report direct PDF URL http //www loc gov/bibliographic-future/news/LCWGResponse-Marcum-Final-061008 pdf and colorized and arranged to match bitmap version in a http //www lcweb loc gov/teachers/tps/newsletter/ TPS newsletter direct PDF URL http //www lcweb loc gov/teachers/tps/newsletter/pdf/TPSNewsFall08 pdf U S Library of Congress Other fields A + Public domain from a copyright standpoint but other restrictions apply The use of Library of Congress logos is governed by http //ecfr gpoaccess gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx c ecfr rgn div8 view text node 36 3 0 5 1 1 0 1 5 idno 36 36 CFR part 701 ยง 5 <gallery>Image US-LibraryOfCongress-Logo svg Alternate logos Image US-LibraryOfCongress-AltLogo svg</gallery> PD-USGov insignia Logos of the Library of Congress SVG logos of governments and government agencies of the United States |