Keywords: Unknown maker, British, active India about 1843 - (Profile portrait of a Seated Man in Feathered Cap) - Google Art Project.jpg British active India about 1843 6754863 Unknown maker /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/profile-portrait-of-a-seated-man-in-feathered-cap-unknown-maker-british-active-india-about-1843/6816116/ Unknown maker British active India about 1843 photographer /artist/british-active-india-about-1843-unknown-maker/7389210/ 7389210 /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/ The J Paul Getty Museum 343005 http //www getty edu/museum 3/12/2012 5 39 10 AM /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/profile-portrait-of-a-seated-man-in-feathered-cap-unknown-maker-british-active-india-about-1843/6816116/ 1843 1843 - 1845 Salt-fixed calotype 117 6816116 True 1845 3/25/2012 10 30 22 AM lido getty edu-gm-obj110667 http //www getty edu/legal/copyright html Print 1840 1850 England Creation w93 x h117 cm 1843 - 1845 False 0 806640625 Part profile-portrait-of-a-seated-man-in-feathered-cap-unknown-maker-british-active-india-about-1843 Profile portrait of a Seated Man in Feathered Cap zzz 93 Salt-fixed calotype http //www getty edu/legal/copyright html special url_id EQF4e6vt5DqV9Q PD-old-70 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Britain Calotypes in the Getty Museum |