MAKE A MEME View Large Image Turkey contrebande 5pia.jpg en From Random Notes 1926 G A Higlett Harris Publications Limited Section IV In consequence of the carriage of letters by travellers in large numbers infringing the post office monopoly and causing loss of postal ...
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Keywords: Turkey contrebande 5pia.jpg en From Random Notes 1926 G A Higlett Harris Publications Limited Section IV In consequence of the carriage of letters by travellers in large numbers infringing the post office monopoly and causing loss of postal revenue the authorities created a special postal contraband service These contraband letters were taxed at double rates of postage and half of the fees collected thereon was supposed to be given to any informer The Turkish word for contraband is Katchak and this special organisation was known as the Katchak Post At first the tax was denoted by ordinary postage stamps affixed to the letters and obliterated with a hand-stamp showing the word Katchak in a double-lined rectangular frame Following the special obliterations above described the postage on contraband letters was denoted by ordinary postage stamps overprinted in advance with a special mark consisting of the words Katchak Post and a number There were four types of this mark No 1 in a circle Nos 2 and 3 in rectangles and No 4 in a triangle These number 1 to 4 denoted the different inspectors or divisions of the service and served also for control purposes The stamps were not supposed to receive any further obliteration after being affixed to the letters but in used state they may be found showing parts of ordinary postal obliterations also These Katchak Post overprints may be found on the issues of 1869 to 1888 When the operations of this post ceased there remained on hand large stocks of the 1876 to 1884 issues bearing the overprints and these were sold off as remainders in consequence of which they are common in unused condition while genuinely used and showing parts of other genuine obliterations they are scarce There was a further special obliteration in use at a later date consisting of the Turkish word with its French equivalent of Contrebande beneath it in a fancy rounded double-lined frame type 6 These stamps actually denote postage due The 5 piasters 1888 stamp shown bears this cancel type 6 Catalogue Mi 57 Yv 77 Sc 85 1888-03-13 stamp Scan of original Turkish Postal autorities other versions See more images Turkey contrebande 1pia jpg Turkey contrebande 2pia jpg Turkey contrebande 5pia jpg Turkey Katchak Contrebande postmarks jpg LangSwitch Turkish contrebande / katchak postmarks PD-Ottoman Stamps of the Ottoman Empire Postage due stamps of Turkey
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