Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13889311438).jpg 852 <br> G E TESTE O CEETACEOUS EICH3 S'0P0EID <br> but the fact being known the study of a single colony or disk will <br> be less puzzling to future students <br> Fig 1 ”Sections of the zoarium 0/ Radiopora pustulosa d Orl <br> Enlarged <br> A Transverse section of the disk ; a Celluliferous centre ; h Tubular cells cut <br> at different angles sloping upwards towards the margin of the disk <br> B Longitudinal section of some of the marginal cells <br> 3 Zoarial Dishs ” It is almost impossible to break off from the <br> fossil a fragment too small to show a single disk at least Generally <br> speaking two or three may be secured I have drawn with the aid <br> of the camera lucida a transverse section of one of these disks <br> fig 1 A In the central part a there is a kind of cancellous <br> structure which appears to me to be nothing more than the cut <br> ends of the tubular cells These are contiguous many-shaped <br> but more frequently circular or hexagonal and the wall of each is <br> distinct <br> In the outer region of the disk b the circle is composed of long <br> tubular zooecia which radiate from the axis The zocecia are also <br> contiguous by their walls but in some places these are separated by <br> slight division ; but I have no evidence of cancellous interspaces as <br> in some of the Discoporellce or even as in JRadiopora simplex Busk <br> Brit llus Cat pi xxxiv fig 2 Mr A W Waters however has <br> identified one of his Bay-of-lN'aples Polyzoa as B pustulosa d'Orb <br> Ann Mag I at Hist April 1879 p 277 ; and as he speaks of <br> cancelli-tubes which in the lower half are divided across the axis <br> by septa tabulse giving this part a somewhat cellular appearance <br> it seems to me to be pretty evident that our own Lower-Greensand <br> species may be looked upon as distinct from the recent Bay-of-jSTaples <br> Since the above was written I find that Mr S O Eidley Aam Mag <br> Nat Hist June 1881 p 452 has drawn special attention to the septal struc- <br> tures in Licheno'pora in his paper on the Polyzoa of Franz-Josef-Land <br> Assuming that his view may possibly be a correct one pip cit p 4 53 the <br> ' septa or tabulas of Polyzoan species may ultimately merit special study 36941729 113697 51125 Page 852 Text 40 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36941729 1884 Geological Society of London NameFound Bubo pustulosa NameConfirmed Bubo EOLID 14511 NameBankID 2473659 NameFound Polyzoa NameConfirmed Polyzoa EOLID 64139 NameBankID 2764675 NameFound Radiopora pustulosa NameConfirmed Radiopora pustulosa Orb Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 40 1884 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36941729 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36941729 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-04-30 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13889311438 2015-08-26 04 50 20 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1884 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |