Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12711385265).jpg 1854 <br> PRESTWICH AND BROWN FISHERTON DRIFT <br> 103 <br> Half-way between Wilton and Salisbury and nearly on the same <br> level as the above the section of the Drift presents a very different <br> appearance <br> Section on the Railway beneath the High-road near Bemerton <br> a Earth and gravel ; 1 foot <br> b Gravel chalk-rubble clay and brick-earth mixed ; 3 feet <br> c Brick-earth with a few dispersed angular flints and some shells Succinece and <br> Helices ; 8 feet <br> d Patch of coarse gravel as above with a base of brick-earth ; 1 foot <br> e Brick-earth rendered porous by numerous very fine Serpula-like perforations ; <br> only a very few angular flints and no shells ; 10 feet <br> The bed e' is underlied by flint-rubble ; but the base of the deposit <br> is not shown <br> At the shallow cutting adjoining the Fishertou Station at Salisbury <br> 5 to 10 feet of coarse gravel-drift mixed with much green sand and <br> some clay and abounding with most of the same shells as occur at <br> Mr Harding's pit repose upon a very irregular and much-indented <br> surface of the Chalk fig i Near this spot but higher on the <br> slope of the hill between the Devizes and Bath roads are several <br> large brick-pits figs i 2 3 <br> The occurrence of Bones had long been noted at these pits but it <br> was only two years since that my attention was drawn by Mr Har- <br> ding the proprietor of one of the pits to a bed full of shells under <br> 20 to 25 feet of drift of a similar character to that which has been <br> described in the preceding sections except that here it is freer from <br> flint-rnbble and exhibits a preponderating mass of brick-earth The <br> following section shows the relative position of the layers of Drift at <br> this spot � <br> Fig 3 � Section at Mr Harding s Brick-pit Fisherton Salisbury <br> 20 to 25 feet <br> ��Sr« ai -c- p - ;e <br> J <br> --- ;- ; d Level of bottom of pit <br> Probable Section <br> Earth and flint-rubble variable ; 1 to 2 feet <br> Rubble of angular flints fragments of chalk and flint-pebbles in clay and <br> brick earth ; 4 to 6 feet <br> Brick-earth mixed with variable masses of flint- and chalk-rubble and con- <br> taining bones and a few shells chiefly in the lower part ; 10 to 18 feet <br> The exact bearing of this pit is 0 7 mile in a direct line N W from Salisbury <br> Cathedral <br> I 2 35614673 110213 51125 Page 103 Text v 11 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35614673 1855 Geological Society of London Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 11 1855 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 35614673 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/35614673 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-23 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12711385265 2015-08-26 20 59 13 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1855 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |