MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12736038943).jpg 276 <br> J F BLAKE AND W H HTTDLESTON ON <br> Section in Sturminster Railway -cutting <br> u <br> a <br> <br> O <br> N <br> O <br> jo <br> a <br> 4-3 <br> fee <br> ...
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Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12736038943).jpg 276 <br> J F BLAKE AND W H HTTDLESTON ON <br> Section in Sturminster Railway -cutting <br> u <br> a <br> <br> O <br> N <br> O <br> jo <br> a <br> 4-3 <br> fee <br> c <br> x <br> -1 <br> 5Q <br> <br> S5 <br> I <br> H <br> a oo o <br> ft <br> wis <br> 35 <br> go <br> a <br> 33 <br> x <br> a <br> Hu <br> sj <br> § <br> t -Q <br> -C <br> 0 <br> – u <br> o <br> _d <br> - <br> n <br> tf feo <br> –  C O <br> fiOCC <br> _j tH CO vo <br> be <br> H3 <br> o <br> 3 o <br> £ » CD <br> -3 <br> 03 C3 U <br> CD <br> t5 <br> C3 CL <br> m <br> 6 <br> rHCTO <br> No 1 Yellow argillaceous sands much mixed with soil 14 <br> No 2 Blue marl and clay with numerous small oysters 8 <br> No 3 Calcareous sandstone graduating downwards into <br> rubbly limestone bands with marly partings con- <br> taining Ammonites plicatilis Perna mytiloides <br> Myacites securiformis Astarte polymorpha 8 9 <br> No 3 a Light-blue marl with light rubbly limestone <br> concretions at the top 4 6 <br> No 3 b Rough limestone shelly and hardened towards <br> the upper part and having a thin bed of blue clay <br> below This contains a few oolitic grains of all <br> sizes up to that of a pea Trigonia clavellata <br> Echinobrissus scutatus Astarte aliena Lucina sp <br> Exogyra nana 2 3 <br> No 4 Rubbly limestone discoloured except near the <br> base where it is white and soft for 2 feet with a <br> hardened band of 1 foot below The fossils in this <br> bed though very numerous are much rolled and <br> rubbed most if not all having been brought from <br> a distance or subjected to cun ents in the neigh- <br> bourhood The most abundant is Cidaris florigem- <br> ma ; and there are besides Alaria Deshayesca Pleu- <br> rotcmaria reticulata Chcmnitzia heddingtonensis <br> Nerinaa sp Natica dejanira Phasianella Buvig- <br> nieri Littorina muricata Cerithium muricatum <br> Sowerbya triangularis Opis corallina Perna myti- <br> loides Lima subantiquata L elliptica TJnicardium <br> sp Modiola sp Exogyra nana Ostrea gregarea <br> Thickness 9 <br> No 5 False-bedded shell limestone of varying hardness <br> and often quite soft made up almost entirely of <br> fragments of shells very few being of recognizable <br> completeness ; oolitic grains are also numerous <br> The false-bedding is very regular dipping east at an <br> angle of 16° so that in the space of the cutting <br> more than 60 feet are seen as measured perpendi- <br> cular to the successive beds As however they are <br> traced to the east they are found to be gradually <br> becoming conformable to the beds above ; the two <br> uppermost beds one of which is more compact are <br> distinctly wedge-shaped decreasing in the direction <br> of the false dip which here has the same inclination <br> as the true dip of the overlying bed from 4 feet to <br> almost nothing The surface of this set of beds is <br> waterworn and irregular with the overlying rubbly <br> beds in pockets Phasianella sp Cerithium mu- <br> ricatum Lima elliptica Pseudodiadema radiattim <br> Thickness as a whole 15-18 <br> No 6 Black and white rubbly marl the whiter portions <br> in hard bands the light upper and dark central <br> parts very fossiliferous ; but all the fossils are email <br> and appear to have been transported Littorina <br> muricata Turbo funiculatus Cerithium muricatum <br> C inornatum Ceritella sp Orthostoma sp Quen- <br> stedtia laevigata Cypricardia glabra Lima elliptica <br> Pecten strictus Exogyra nana Echinobrissus scuta- <br> tus Acrosalenia decorata Hemicidaris intermedia <br> Thickness 8 <br> No 6 a Loose pisolite of large flattened concretions 1 <br> No 6 b Oolitic marl with large grains 3 feet seen 35818405 110705 51125 Page 276 Text 33 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35818405 1877 Geological Society of London NameFound Acrosalenia decorata NameConfirmed Acrosalenia decorata NameFound Alaria NameConfirmed Alaria EOLID 11310 NameBankID 437617 NameFound Ammonites plicatilis NameFound Astarte aliena NameFound Astarte polymorpha NameFound Ceritella NameConfirmed Ceritella NameBankID 4109124 NameFound Cerithium NameConfirmed Cerithium EOLID 10714569 NameBankID 2684349 NameFound Cerithium inornatum NameFound Cerithium muricatum NameFound Chcmnitzia heddingtonensis NameFound Cidaris NameConfirmed Cidaris EOLID 16738 NameBankID 236951 NameFound Cypricardia glabra NameConfirmed Cypricardia glabrata Phillips 1836 NameBankID 6494199 NameFound Echinobrissus scuta NameConfirmed Echinobrissus NameBankID 4151882 NameFound Echinobrissus scutatus NameConfirmed Echinobrissus scutatus NameFound Exogyra nana NameConfirmed Exogyra nana NameFound Hemicidaris intermedia NameConfirmed Hemicidaris intermedia NameBankID 6038066 NameFound Lima elliptica NameConfirmed Lima elliptica NameFound Lima subantiquata NameConfirmed Arca subantiquata d'Orbigny NameFound Littorina muricata NameConfirmed Littorina muricata Linn NameFound Lucina sp NameConfirmed Lucina Lamarck 1799 EOLID 57504 NameFound Modiola NameConfirmed Modiola EOLID 71417 NameBankID 2647821 NameFound Myacites securiformis NameFound Natica dejanira NameFound Nerinaa sp NameFound Opis corallina NameFound Orthostoma NameConfirmed Orthostoma EOLID 9956 NameBankID 4271378 NameFound Ostrea NameConfirmed Ostrea EOLID 10719983 NameBankID 2692450 NameFound Pecten strictus NameConfirmed Pecten strictus NameBankID 6768052 NameFound Perna NameConfirmed Perna EOLID 59522 NameBankID 4935024 NameFound Perna mytiloides NameConfirmed Perna mytiloides NameFound Phasianella NameConfirmed Phasianella EOLID 3035164 NameBankID 4292306 NameFound Pseudodiadema NameConfirmed Pseudodiadema EOLID 4711764 NameBankID 4318037 NameFound Sowerbya triangularis NameFound Trigonia clavellata NameConfirmed Trigonia clavellata NameFound Turbo funiculatus NameConfirmed Turbo funiculosus Kiener 1848 EOLID 19660404 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 33 1877 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 35818405 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/35818405 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-24 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12736038943 2015-08-26 19 59 00 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1877 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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