Keywords: Sydney torpedo (305024).jpg AWM Caption SYDNEY NSW 1942-06-10 THE SPENT 17 7 INCH TORPEDO EITHER TYPE 96 OR 97 FIRED BY THE UNIDENTIFIED JAPANESE MIDGET SUBMARINE KNOWN AS MIDGET A WHICH RAN ASHORE AT GARDEN ISLAND DURING THE ATTACK ON SYDNEY HARBOUR ON 31 MAY 1942 NOTE THE BLAST WALL OF SANDBAGS IN THE BACKGROUND CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO THE TORPEDO BEING DRAGGED FURTHER IN NAVAL HISTORICAL COLLECTION 305024 NAVAL HISTORICAL COLLECTION Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Berichard using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 1942-06-10 Department of Information PD-Australia original upload log page en wikipedia Sydney_torpedo_ 28305024 29 jpg 2007-07-01 01 18 Nick-D 300×402× 53733 bytes <nowiki>Australian War Memorial AWM catalog number 305024 Sourced from http //www awm gov au/database/collection asp Copyright The AWM record for this photo states that the copyright status is 'clear' The photo was taken in 1942 AWM Caption</nowiki> Ko-hyoteki class submarine Attack on Sydney Harbour Black and white photographs Type 97 torpedo |