Keywords: snowdrop blossom bloom spring flower plant close macro signs of spring bloom spring galanthus amaryllis plant amaryllidaceae common snowdrop galanthus nivalis large format closeup detail to detail huge exceptional beautiful wonderful natural wonders wallpaper razor sharp sharpness herbaceous plant nature inflorescence flower stem bract bell radiärsymmetrische bloom radial symmetry monocotyledonous threefold petal circles ternate petal circle perianth flower bracts greenish white pointed conical stamen carpels ovary stalk erstblüte early spring ornamental plant flower spring awakening garden green white exterior details early bloomer harbinger of spring end of winter tender sweet beauty snow nivalis early poisonous plant medicinal plant wild flower wild plant winterblueher snowflake fruehlingsknotenblume vernum frühlingsblüher spring motif leucojum hardy garden plant individually single shot calyx small bud zwiebelpflanze |