Keywords: Shield of the Trinity with the Four Relations.svg Uploaded with en wp UW marker 2015 09 14 Shield of the Trinity with the four relations of depicted by green arrows <ol><li>paternity the relation of the Father to the Son </li> <li>filiation the relation of the Son to the Father </li> <li>spiration of the Holy Spirit the relation of the Father and the Son in respect to the Holy Spirit </li> <li>procession of the Holy Spirit the relation of the Holy Spirit in respect to the Father and the Son </li></ol><br>Original TikZ/LaTeX code <syntaxhighlight lang latex >\documentclasstikz border 10pt standalone \usetikzlibrary graphdrawing \usetikzlibrary graphs \usetikzlibrary quotes \usegdlibrary trees \usegdlibrary circular \begin document \begin tikzpicture rounded corners \graph simple necklace layout edge quotes mid edges nodes font \scriptsize fill white sloped inner sep 1pt Fathernail at 0 3 <-> is blue text black Godnail at 0 0 ; Sonnail at -3 -2 <-> is blue text black God; Holy Ghostnail at 3 -2 <-> is blue text black God; Father <-> is not red text black Son <-> is not red text black Holy Ghost <-> is not red text black Father; Father -> paternity bend right 22 5 green text black Son; Son -> filiation bend left 45 green text black Father; Father -> spiration bend left 22 5 green text black Holy Ghost; Holy Ghost -> procession bend right 45 green text black Father; Holy Ghost -> procession bend left 45 green text black Son; Holy Ghost <- spiration bend left 22 5 green text black Son; ; \end tikzpicture \end document </syntaxhighlight> own 2015-10-13 Geremia cc-zero Holy Trinity Shield of the Trinity |