Keywords: Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution 2-sr.png en Distribution of central South Slavic dialects before 16th century migrations sr Распо ед с едњојужнословенских дијалеката п е миг ација из 16 века sh Raspored srednjojužnoslovenskih dijalekata pre migracija iz 16 veka own PANONIAN 2013 Cc-zero References Josip Lisac Hrvatska dijalektologija 1 - Hrvatski dijalekti i govori štokavskog narječja i hrvatski govori torlačkog narječja Zagreb Golden marketing - Tehnička knjiga 2003 Školski istorijski atlas Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika SR Srbije Beograd 1970 http //zciglar files wordpress com/2010/03/srednjojunarjecja jpg Linguistic maps of the Serbian language Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of the Croatian language Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of the Bosnian language Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of the Montenegrin language Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Historical maps of languages in Serbia Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Historical maps of languages in Vojvodina Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of Kosovo Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of Montenegro Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of Croatia Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of Yugoslavia Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Linguistic maps of the Serbo-Croatian language Serbo croatian dialects historical distribution3 Maps in Serbian |