MAKE A MEME View Large Image Sea fables explained (15563906286).jpg BARNACLE GEESE � GOOSE BARNACLES iii <br> Describing a cut of a large Firr-tree of about two and <br> a half feet diameter and nine or ten feet long which he <br> saw on the shore in the Western ...
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Keywords: Sea fables explained (15563906286).jpg BARNACLE GEESE � GOOSE BARNACLES iii <br> Describing a cut of a large Firr-tree of about two and <br> a half feet diameter and nine or ten feet long which he <br> saw on the shore in the Western Islands of Scotland and <br> which had become so dry that many of the Barnacle shells <br> with which it had been covered had been rubbed off he <br> says � - <br> Only on the parts that lay next the ground there still hung <br> multitudes of little Shells having within them little Birds perfectly <br> FIG 36 � DEVELOPMENT OF BARNACLES INTO GEESE After Aldrovandus <br> shap'd supposed to be Barnacles The Shells hung very thick and <br> close one by another and were of different sizes Of the colour and <br> consistence of Muscle-Shells and the sides and joynts of them joyned <br> with such a kind of film as Muscle-Shells are which serves them for a <br> Hing to move upon when they open and shut The Shells hang at <br> the Tree by a Neck longer than the Shell of a kind of Filmy <br> substance round and hollow and creased not unlike the Wind-pipe <br> of a chicken spreading out broadest where it is fastened to the Tree <br> from which it seems to draw and convey the matter which serves for 10985717 41337 10456 Page 111 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/10985717 1883 10 5962/bhl title 10456 International Fisheries Exhibition; Lee Henry NameFound Aldrovandus NameFound Barnacles NameConfirmed Barnacles NameBankID 5033555 Biodiversity Heritage Library Sea fables explained Folklore Ocean Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 10985717 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/10985717 bhlMonstersRreal Halloween smithsonian libraries bhlmonstersrreal halloween Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-10-21 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15563906286 2015-08-25 16 59 27 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Sea fables explained Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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