Keywords: Sanzio 01.jpg Η Σχολή των Αθηνών The School of Athens La escuela de Atenas fresco Stitched together from http //mv vatican va/3_EN/pages/x-Schede/SDRs/SDRs_03_02_020 html vatican va 1511 Creator Raffaello Sanzio thumb none Cropped version thumb none Cropped to fresco and levels adjusted Assessments 1 1 school of athens 1 1 PD-old-100 The School of Athens Featured pictures of art Featured pictures of Vatican City ImageNote 1 1789 1284 178 509 3820 2964 2 Plato Платон portrait of Leonardo da Vinci ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 1977 1284 158 509 3820 2964 2 Aristotle ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 1137 1556 128 128 3820 2964 2 Francesco Maria I della Rovere Duke of Urbino Francesco Maria della Rovere or en Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Pico della Mirandola ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 588 1541 143 163 3820 2964 2 Epicurus ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 899 1670 128 133 3820 2964 2 Averroes ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 954 1778 153 188 3820 2964 2 Pythagoras ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 8 1616 1764 208 188 3820 2964 2 Heraclitus Ге� аклит portrait of Michelangelo ImageNoteEnd 8 ImageNote 9 2145 1694 133 153 3820 2964 2 Diogenes Диоген синопский ImageNoteEnd 9 ImageNote 10 1349 1260 104 114 3820 2964 2 Socrates ImageNoteEnd 10 ImageNote 11 1226 1255 114 138 3820 2964 2 Aeschines or Xenophon ImageNoteEnd 11 ImageNote 12 1008 1225 119 153 3820 2964 2 Alcibiades or Alexander the Great ImageNoteEnd 12 ImageNote 13 1087 1294 104 114 3820 2964 2 Antisthenes or Xenophon ImageNoteEnd 13 ImageNote 14 1235 1571 163 128 3820 2964 2 Parmenides ImageNoteEnd 14 ImageNote 15 3410 1561 74 128 3820 2964 2 Raphael as Apelles ImageNoteEnd 15 ImageNote 16 3321 1576 114 183 3820 2964 2 Claudius Ptolemy holding an earth sphere ImageNoteEnd 16 ImageNote 17 3247 1561 114 158 3820 2964 2 Zoroaster ImageNoteEnd 17 ImageNote 18 3464 1581 84 128 3820 2964 2 Protogenes ImageNoteEnd 18 ImageNote 19 2995 1882 158 148 3820 2964 2 Euclid or Archimedes Евклид или А� химед ImageNoteEnd 19 ImageNote 20 356 1526 148 178 3820 2964 2 Zeno of Citium ImageNoteEnd 20 ImageNote 21 756 450 297 667 3820 2964 2 Sculpture of Apollo ImageNoteEnd 21 ImageNote 22 2876 464 297 697 3820 2964 2 Sculpture of Pallas Athene goddess of wisdom ImageNoteEnd 22 Featured pictures of painting |