Keywords: RGB CMYK 4.jpg A comparison of RGB and CMYK color spaces I am the creator Annette Shacklett 2003 Photoshop The image demonstrates the difference between the RGB and CMYK color gamuts The CMYK color gamut is much smaller than the RGB color gamut thus the CMYK colors look muted If you were to print the image on a CMYK device an offset press or maybe even a ink jet printer the two sides would likely look much more similar since the combination of cyan yellow magenta and black cannot reproduce the range gamut of color that a computer monitor displays This is a constant issue for those who work in print production Clients produce bright and colorful images on their computers and are disappointed to see them look muted in print An exception is photo processing In photo processing like snapshots or 8x10 glossies most of the RGB gamut is reproduced BadJPEG derivative works RGB and CMYK comparison png RGB CMYK |