Keywords: Radiolaria (Challenger) Plate 118.jpg follows <table> <tr> <td style text-align center; vertical-align top; colspan 3 >Plate 118 Medusettida </td> </tr> <tr> <td style font-size 85 ; text-align right; vertical-align top; colspan 3 >Diam </td> </tr> <tr> <td style vertical-align top; >Fig 1 Gazelletta melusina n sp </td> <td style vertical-align bottom; >×</td> <td style text-align right; vertical-align bottom; >300</td> </tr> <tr> <td style font-size 85 ; padding-left 3em; text-indent -1em; vertical-align top; >From the peristome of the thorny campanulate shell arise six large descending feet which are studded with arborescent fragile lateral branches and armed at the distal end with stouter dichotomous terminal branches </td> </tr> <tr> <td style vertical-align top; >Fig 2 Euphysetta staurocodon n sp </td> <td style vertical-align bottom; >×</td> <td style text-align right; vertical-align bottom; >300</td> </tr> <tr> <td style font-size 85 ; padding-left 3em; text-indent -1em; vertical-align top; >The peristome of the ovate shell bears an odd large foot with three terminal branches and three cruciate rudimentary feet In the upper part of the shell-cavity is visible the sphæroidal central capsule containing a nucleus of half the size with numerous nucleoli ; in the lower half the dark pigment-masses of the green phæodium </td> </tr> <tr> <td style vertical-align top; >Fig 3 Euphysetta amphicodon n sp </td> <td style vertical-align bottom; >×</td> <td style text-align right; vertical-align bottom; >300</td> </tr> <tr> <td style font-size 85 ; padding-left 3em; text-indent -1em; vertical-align top; >The shell-wall exhibits the regular alveolate structure From the mouth are prominent large masses of the phæodium which is more voluminous than the shell-cavity and seems to contain nucleated cells </td> </tr> </table> https //archive org/details/reportonradiolar00haecrich 1887 Ernst Haeckel 1834-1919 ; engravings by Adolf Giltsch 1852-1911 PD-old-auto-1923 1919 Report on the Radiolaria |