MAKE A MEME View Large Image Pseudo-Seneca BM GR1962.8-24.1.jpg Pseudo-Seneca the bust was identified for a very long time with the Roman philosopher Seneca It was acknowledged as spurrious after the discovery of an inscripted portrait bearing Seneca's name 1813 May ...
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Keywords: Pseudo-Seneca BM GR1962.8-24.1.jpg Pseudo-Seneca the bust was identified for a very long time with the Roman philosopher Seneca It was acknowledged as spurrious after the discovery of an inscripted portrait bearing Seneca's name 1813 May actually represent Hesiod Roman copy after a lost Hellenistic original Pseudo-Sénèque on a longtemps cru que le buste représentait le philosophe romain jusqu'à la découverte en 1813 d'un portrait inscrit portant le nom de Sénèque Pourrait en fait représenter Hésiode Copie romaine d'un original hellénistique century 2 BC original marble Museum British Museum Main floor Room 22 Alexander the Great the Hellenistic world object history credit line accession number GR 1962 8-24 1 Marie-Lan Nguyen 2011 other versions Pseudo-Seneca London Room 22 British Museum Seneca Ancient Roman busts in the British Museum Seneca Roman copies after Greek originals in London Seneca
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