Keywords: 20th century 20thcentury soviet union sovietunion boris souvarine borissouvarine russia postcard berlin soldiers revolution 1919 spartacist uprising spartacistuprising communist party communistparty kapp putsch kappputsch germany working class workingclass Boris Souvarine Papers - Soviet Russia Photos Notes: This postcard shows a soldier smiling, in front of a poster stating "Die Lüge vom monarchistischen Putsch" ("The lie of the monarchist putsch"). The manuscript note was added on the original postcard. This postcard refers to the Kapp Putsch, which took place in March 1920 and was a monarchist coup intended to overthrow the Weimar Republic. The putsch failed after a general strike, which received massive support among the working class. Description: 1 postcard. Black and white ; 9 x 14 cm. Boris Souvarine Papers - Soviet Russia Photos Notes: This postcard shows a soldier smiling, in front of a poster stating "Die Lüge vom monarchistischen Putsch" ("The lie of the monarchist putsch"). The manuscript note was added on the original postcard. This postcard refers to the Kapp Putsch, which took place in March 1920 and was a monarchist coup intended to overthrow the Weimar Republic. The putsch failed after a general strike, which received massive support among the working class. Description: 1 postcard. Black and white ; 9 x 14 cm. |