Keywords: Peonies for pleasure (16208385188).jpg take <br> 1 Ź <br> AATE take very great pleasure in <br> presenting to trie Peomj -world tke <br> introductioiis ot Mrs Sarah A Pleas <br> lormerlu of Indiana now 01 Cali- <br> fornia <br> Mrs Pleas has tke distinction of <br> being tke first woman in tke world <br> to introduce new varieties of Peonies <br> and good ones too Ske kas been <br> working for a number of uears prac- <br> tically unnoticed and uukeralded <br> In February 1916 tke writer sug- <br> gested ker name to tke Secretary of <br> tke American Peonu Society for hon- <br> orary memberskip wkick at tke next <br> meeting of tke Society keld in New <br> York City June 1916 was con- <br> ferred on ker 'in recognition of ker <br> services to Peouvj culture in America <br> an konor 'well merited altkougk late <br> in arriving <br> Mrs Pleas kas been giving ker <br> attention for upwards of forty uears to <br> Peomj culture Tkere kave been a <br> number of ker Peonies going under <br> sunonums Tke list we name is in- <br> tended to be autkentic and is compiled <br> from information suppked bu Mrs <br> Pleas and from ker friends wko kave been interested in ker Peonies W' e kere present a kst of ker <br> Peonies most talked about altkougk bu no means a complete list In future editions of Peonies for <br> Pleasure it is expected to add to this list Alpka and Omega Altar Candles Boucjuet of Flowers <br> Dr Edgar Pleas Elwood Pleas Golden Nugget Golden Wedding Gupsu Queen Josepk Griffin <br> Jubilee Ladu Emilu Ladu Iris Little Nell Madame Pleas Maru Anderson Mau Davidson Midsum- <br> mer Nigkt s Dream Mrs M B Beckett Multiflora Opal Orange Prince Pearled Rose Queen of tke <br> Pleasance Ralpk Rosvj Dawn Sarak T B Terry Tke Gem Tke Jewel White Swan <br> THE QUEST OF LOVE <br> MRS SARAH A PLEAS <br> The Pioneer Woman Peony Originator of the World <br> O garden mine what pleasure waits <br> Among your rows of gorgeous bloom <br> For one who finds within your gates <br> The title deeds to vast estates <br> Of wealth in beauty and perfume <br> Today I come with new intent <br> To find the fairest flower of all <br> In form and color si e and scent <br> Ah he will know how much is meant <br> When by his name the flower I call <br> How beautiful the flower must be <br> To make it worthy of his name <br> That other eyes than mine can see <br> What his dear memory is to me <br> Whose love I count as more than fame <br> Here's one that's white with heart of <br> gold <br> A censer cup for incense rare <br> And here is one of perfect mold <br> Whose silken petals seem to hold <br> The secret of all beauty there <br> Bvj Sarah A Pleas <br> Here's one as pure as white as snow <br> Fresh fallen on this world of ours <br> No hint of hue its petals show; <br> Shall I my name of names bestow <br> On this to make it King of flowers <br> Here's one so bright it glows like flame <br> What glorious color it has caught <br> From days and nights of June that <br> came <br> To make it worthy the dear name <br> Which I have ever in my thought <br> Ah look at this So large so sweet <br> A fluffy ball of pink and gold <br> In form and color all complete <br> Would we might stay the summer's <br> feet <br> To keep such beauty in our hold <br> O which to choose so fair are they <br> So rich in color form perfume <br> But which the fairest who shall say <br> I needs must come another day <br> To find my garden's richest bloom <br> So in a sweet bewilderment <br> I turn to leave my peony beds; <br> I have not found the flower I meant <br> To gwe the name I love but spent <br> The morning hours where beauty <br> spreads <br> Such charms before me that I fear <br> I cannotchoose among them all <br> Since each and all I hold so dear <br> And yet The one flower must be <br> here <br> That love by his dear name would call <br> O here I see Close to me nods <br> A flower the color soft blush rose <br> So large so sweet Ah by all odds <br> This is a flower to please the Gods <br> The best that in my garden grows <br> My quest ends here no farther I <br> Need seek among my peonies <br> To find the fairest flower I cry <br> O royal bloom and he seems nigh <br> I christen thee the Elwood Pleas <br> Read wkat a heart lull of praise savjs 01 trie Peonij <br> THE LURE OF THE PEONY <br> A Eulogvj Lvj C S Harrison of Nebraska Written June 1909 <br> If vjou should receive the announcement that ijou -were to nave a visit from thousands upon thousands of the best <br> dressed and most beautiful visitors that ever came to earth ijou would liaturallu; feel like taking a vacation and enjouing <br> such delightful companionship I am a busvj man but there is no resisting the lure of all this bewitching loveliness <br> Theuj have come the advance guard the great masses of dazzling splendor; the rear guard strong full orbed and <br> stately will shortlvj bring up the last of the procession <br> Page Six <br> Miss Ella J\ Baines 3 Springfield Ohio 41910041 131358 64860 Page 6 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41910041 1917 10 1080/00222939009460791 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Multiflora NameConfirmed Multiflora Small J M MacDougal Feuillet supersect NameBankID 9260529 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the woman florist Springfield Ohio Peonies for pleasure Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Peonies Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41910041 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41910041 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-29 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16208385188 2015-08-25 01 50 12 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Peonies for pleasure Photos uploaded from Flickr by FĂŚ using a script American Peony Society |