Keywords: Peder Balke - Coastal Landscape with Wreck - Google Art Project.jpg commons artist commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Nasjonalgalleriet commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title Coastal Landscape with Wreck core creator Peder Balke core date dateCreated 1860/1869 core format w18 x h25 cm core type Paintings core relation http //www digitaltmuseum no/things/nm/NMK-B/NG M 00379 core rights The National Museum of Art Architecture and Design core format medium Olje på lerret art artist_birth_place Helgøya Nes i Hedmark Norge art artist_nationality Norwegian art artist_death_place Oslo fylke Oslo Oslo Kristiania Norge art artist_date 1804/1887 c-0d5f498b customtext translated_title Kystlandskap med vrak c-0d5f498b customtext technique Olje c-0d5f498b customtext latitude/longitude_artist_death_place 59 9138688 10 752245399999992 c-0d5f498b customtext latitude/longitude_artist_birth_place 60 7386774 10 973315800000023 google display_date 1860/1869 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google street_view_asset/id XgECH-vAf3qvUw google street_view_level/id 4488346238719433535 google street_view_location 59 916355133056641 10 737712860107422 1 6699999570846558 u2M67HrIaHHkm1-7fEv4OA google partner/id 000000000d5f498b google picasa_token b0qSyhYSKVjG9lIFNeEVFSIIaeE special url_id lQHu8cZ05mHoZg google partner/name The National Museum of Art Architecture and Design Norway special partner/name_no_lang The National Museum of Art Architecture and Design Norway PD-old-100-1923 1887 Paintings by Peder Balke in the Nasjonalgalleriet Google Art Project works by Peder Balke Shipwrecks in art Paintings of mountains Paintings with years of production artist 1869 paintings in Norway 19th-century oil on canvas paintings of landscapes in Norway |