Keywords: Ovule morphology anatropous.svg es Morfología del óvulo Óvulo anátropo 1 saco embrionario gametofito femenino 2 calaza 3 funículo 4 rafe Según UNNE http //www biologia edu ar/botanica/tema4/4_12ovulo htm Morfología de Plantas Vasculares biologia edu ar Ovule structure anatropous 1 embryo sac female gametophyte 2 chalaza 3 funiculus 4 raphe 2012-09-11 01 16 53 biologia edu ar biologia edu ar trace and color User RoRo <gallery> Ovule morphology anatropous png png </gallery> As a scientific drawing this file is not protected by copyright laws concerning artistic/literary works In case this were not possible the file is released under a CC-0 license PD-ineligible cc-zero Ovule diagrams |