Keywords: Overcrowded home of workers in cotton mill.jpg For Child Welfare Exhibit 1912-13 Overcrowded home of workers in cotton mill Olneyville Providence Eight persons live in these three small rooms three of them are boarders Inner bed-rooms are 9 x 8 feet the largest room 12 x 12 feet 23 Chaffee Street Polish People Property owned by the mill Rent 4 50 a month Location Providence Rhode Island Title from NCLC caption card In album Mills Taken from the Library of Congress' website http //memory loc gov/master/pnp/nclc/02700/02722u tif 1912-11 Lewis Hine Attribution to Hine based on provenance PD-old-70 LOC-image nclc 02722 Photographs of people in economic adversity by Lewis Hine Rooms in the United States 1912 Cotton mill workers Polonia in the United States Houses in Providence Stoves 1912 in the United States Rhode Island in the 1910s Black and white photographs of children Black and white photographs of Rhode Island Cookers Hearths |