Keywords: shop This was the only item I found in the 99 cents only store that was not in fact 99 cents only. These gallon milk jugs were $2.99 each. Apparently breaking their 99 cent oath was a big enough deal that they put up a sign apologizing for it. It reads: "Gallon Milk $2.99. Yes, it's over 99.99¢, but this exception is because you've been asking that we carry Gallons of Milk. For your family's convenience, please enjoy our new Bigger Value!" CC0 waiver: To the extent possible under law, I waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This was the only item I found in the 99 cents only store that was not in fact 99 cents only. These gallon milk jugs were $2.99 each. Apparently breaking their 99 cent oath was a big enough deal that they put up a sign apologizing for it. It reads: "Gallon Milk $2.99. Yes, it's over 99.99¢, but this exception is because you've been asking that we carry Gallons of Milk. For your family's convenience, please enjoy our new Bigger Value!" CC0 waiver: To the extent possible under law, I waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. |