Keywords: Negative resistance AC equivalent circuit.svg negative differential resistance connected to an external circuit showing how it can amplify an applied AC signal The external circuit is represented as a current source Δi<sub>S</sub> and load resistance R The negative resistance device is biased with a DC voltage not shown which moves its operating point into its negative resistance region in which it has differential resistance Δv/Δi -r Therefore it acts like a dependent current source right with a value of Δv/r Because in a negative differential resistance the instantaneous AC voltage Δv and current Δi are 180° out of phase the direction of the current is out of the positive voltage terminal Therefore the negative resistance current Δi adds to the source current Δi<sub>S</sub> through the resistor increasing the output power own Chetvorno 2013-05-14 Negative resistance Cc-zero Resistor schemas |