Keywords: Mn3O(OAc)6.png manganese III acetate based on single-crystal X-ray crystallography of an analogous compound for a different metal This whole complex is a cation with a +1 charge; there is a “1 anionic counterion not included in the diagram The three water molecules are ligands on the manganese atoms based on the known structure of the analogous en rhodium compound --they are not waters of crystallization representing a hydrate form of the compound cite journal Glowiak T; Kubiak M ; Szymanska-Buzar T Crystal and molecular structures of trinuclear rhodium III complexes trans-μ<sub>3</sub>-oxo-trisbis acetato aquarhodium III perchlorate dihydrate and monohydrate Acta Crystallographica Section B 1977 33 6 1732 “1737 10 1107/S0567740877006979 However the true structure of the actual manganese compounds may have acetic acid or acetate units instead of these water molecules see en wp article own Smokefoot date Mn3O OAc 6 AcO AcOH png Acetato complexes Manganese complexes |