Keywords: MiliariodePorteladoHomen.JPG 1974 00407 http //eda-bea es/pub/record_card_1 php rec 6556 newlang en HEp 7 1997 541 Rodríguez Colmenero A Aquae Flaviae I Fontes epigráficas da Gallaecia meridional interior Chaves 1997 nº 570 Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby e Hispania Epigraphica la <br />D omino n ostro <br />Imp eratori Flavio<br />Val erio Constantino <br />Pio<br />Invicto Aug usto <br />p ontifici m aximo de Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg http //edh-www adw uni-heidelberg de/edh/inschrift/HD011082 HD011082 es Hispania Epigraphica http //eda-bea es/pub/record_card_2 php refpage 2Fpub 2Fsearch_select php quicksearch AE+1974 2C407+ rec 6556 6556 own Caligatus 2008-08-16 Ancient Roman inscriptions in Galicia Gallaecia Epigraphy in Spain Miliaria in Galicia Spain Museo Arqueolóxico Provincial de Ourense 4th-century sculptures AE 1974 0407 Linked to EDH Linked to HEp |