Keywords: Michelangelo Sistine Chapel ceiling - Ozias, Jethan und Achaz - unrestored.jpg Artwork Creator Michelangelo Uzziah Ioatham und Achaz unrestauriert Lünette Jesus ancestors Uzziah Ioatham and Achaz unrestored Sistine Chapel south wall lunette in the third bay from the entrance 1511-1512 Fresco 430 x 215 cm size cm 215 430 Sistine Chapel ceiling Vatican City http //www zeno org/Kunstwerke images/I/72v063a jpg Zeno org http //www zeno org/Kunstwerke/B/Michelangelo+Buonarroti 3A+Sixtinische+Kapelle +Die+Vorfahren+Christi 3A+L C3 BCnette+mit+Ozias +Jethan+und+Achaz hl sixtinische+kapelle descr Other versions <gallery>Image Ozias Spandrel jpg Web above </gallery> PD-old-100 Old Testament figures Sistine Chapel - Michelangelo's frescos unrestored Sistine Chapel lunettes - Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Uploads by Mattes from external sources Images from zeno org |