MAKE A MEME View Large Image Michael Ancher - The drowned fisherman - Google Art Project.jpg commons artist commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Skagens Museum commons location commons references commons object_history commons ...
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Keywords: Michael Ancher - The drowned fisherman - Google Art Project.jpg commons artist commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Skagens Museum commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title en The drowned fisherman core date dateCreated 1896 core format en w289 x h212 5 cm Without frame core type en Oil on canvas core rights en Skagens Museum art artist_date 1849-06-09/1927-09-19 art artist_nationality en Danish c-0d8a08e5 customtext original_title Den druknede c-0d8a08e5 customtext german_title en Der Ertrunkene c-0d8a08e5 creator painter en Michael Ancher google display_date 1896 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google street_view_asset/id EgG8_cSw-IrjfQ google street_view_level/id 6291987383502185979 google street_view_location 57 724452972412109 10 597172737121582 0 23999999463558197 CGmbyk8fuXRGATefChUiCA google partner/id 000000000d8a08e5 google picasa_token ytvzdbsOsgZRVfQYImIkSXWFSXM special url_id WAEL8IAUDLrYdg google partner/name Skagens Museum special partner/name_no_lang Skagens Museum PD-old-auto-1923 1927 Michael Ancher Google Art Project works by Michael Ancher Sea rescue
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