Keywords: Map of Afghanistan, outline.svg A map of Afghanistan without any internal borders Map originally from http //www maplibrary org/stacks/gadm/AFG/index php Maplibrary org who in turn have extracted it from http //biogeo berkeley edu/gadm/ GADM version 0 9 which http //biogeo berkeley edu/gadm/sources html source the data for Afghanistan as comming from the USGS shp file converted to eps polygons using http //www mapshaper org/ mapshaper org eps file converted to svg using http //www scribus net/ Scribus and final code cleaned up using a text editor Grouping and internal border removal by Lokal_Profil 2009-03-01 USGS and Lokal_Profil Lokal_Profil PD-USGS <gallery> File Blank map of Afghanistan districts svg Map with province and district borders File Map of Afghanistan Districts and Provinces svg Same info but with provinces colour coded </gallery> SVG maps of Afghanistan Blank maps of Afghanistan GADM Images by Lokal_Profil/Map |