Keywords: Manchu shamanic shrine in Beijing.jpg shamanic shrine Manchu tangse; Chinese tangzi 堂子 in Beijing where the Manchu emperors of the Qing dynasty 1644 1900 performed sacrifices to Heaven Following Chinese cartographic conventions the north is at the bottom of the picture and the south on top 1899 possibly copied from a previous edition of the Da Qing huidian tu shili Qinding Da Qing Huidian tu shili 欽定大清 典 事例 Imperially collected statutes diagrams and substatutes of the Great Qing 1899 Reprint Taipei Zhongwen 1963 p 1117 Scanned from Susan Naquin Peking Temples and City Life 1400 1900 Berkeley and Los Angeles University of California Press 2000 p 384 ISBN 0-520-21991-0 alk paper hardcover Naquin's accompanying caption reads as follows Located off of the southeast corner of the Imperial City the Tangzi was intended for the private shamanistic rites of the Manchu elite This complex was destroyed in 1900 and rebuilt inside the palace; the Italian legation was constructed on the site A nineteenth-century team of editors PD-old-100 PD-China 1899 in Beijing Qing Dynasty Religion in China Shamanism |