Keywords: Machaeropterus regulus 1841.jpg Striped Manakin Manakin rubis http //www archive org/stream/selectionofbirds00swai page/n109/mode/2up A selection of the birds of Brazil and Mexico William Swainson 1789-1855 1841 Image extracted Machaeropterus regulus 1841 - male jpg Machaeropterus regulus 1841 - female jpg PD-old ImageNote 1 223 1258 1158 922 1575 2521 2 200px en Female fr Femelle ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 135 38 1297 1094 1575 2521 2 200px en Male fr Mâle ImageNoteEnd 2 Machaeropterus regulus Striped Manakin 00 12 2 April 2012 UTC Machaeropterus regulus 1841 jpg Machaeropterus regulus A selection of the birds of Brazil and Mexico |