Keywords: Lunar eclipse chart close-2002Jun24.png en wikipedia 2011 October 22 June 2002 lunar eclipse chart of moon's penumbral lunar eclipse path through the earth's shadow The inner circle represents the earth's umbra and the outer circle is the penumbra thumb 2009-4-5 Own <br />Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia SockPuppetForTomruen at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia en wikipedia SockPuppetForTomruen Original upload log page en wikipedia Lunar_eclipse_chart_close-2002Jun24 png 2009-04-05 20 56 SockPuppetForTomruen 549×380 28755 bytes <nowiki> Summary June 2002 lunar eclipse chart of moon's penumbral lunar eclipse path through the earth's shadow thumb Licensing </nowiki> 2009-04-28 21 02 SockPuppetForTomruen 601×560 23278 bytes <nowiki>replace</nowiki> 21st century lunar eclipses Lunar eclipse charts view from earth |