Keywords: Lucchese School Late 15th Century - Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas, Sebastian, Roch and Martin - Google Art Project.jpg Italy Italy Lucchese 412255 School Late 15th Century Italian /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/artwork/virgin-and-child-with-saints-nicholas-sebastian-roch-and-martin-lucchese-school-late-15th-century/412256/ Lucchese School Late 15th Century /artist/lucchese-school-late-15th-century/4126125/ 4126125 /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/ Walker Art Gallery Liverpool 346008 11/28/2011 4 29 34 PM /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/artwork/virgin-and-child-with-saints-nicholas-sebastian-roch-and-martin-lucchese-school-late-15th-century/412256/ 1400 Late 1400s Lucchese School; religious; altar; Virgin and Child; mother; Madonna; saints; halo; Lucca; praying; glance; gesture; St Nicholas; St Sebastian; St Roch; protection; plague; St Martin; patron saint; rug; throne; Bible 1689 1 412256 False 1400 Without frame 3/24/2012 12 53 00 AM WAG 2780 http //www liverpoolmuseums org uk/picture-of-month/displaypicture asp venue 2 id 169 Walker Art Gallery National Museums Liverpool Bequeathed by PH Rathbone in 1895 Tempera on canvas and board transferred from wood panel 1400 1410 w588 x h1689 cm Late 1400s False 0 865234375 Object virgin-and-child-with-saints-nicholas-sebastian-roch-and-martin-lucchese-school-late-15th-century Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas Sebastian Roch and Martin v 588 8 tag_/_style Lucchese School; religious; altar; Virgin and Child; mother; Madonna; saints; halo; Lucca; praying; glance; gesture; St Nicholas; St Sebastian; St Roch; protection; plague; St Martin; patron saint; rug; throne; Bible special url_id xAFcRCOFoTYROg PD-art-100 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Lucca Uncategorized 2015 February 26 |