Keywords: Lucas Cranach d.Ä. - Kreuzigung (Statens Museum for Kunst).jpg Artwork Creator Lucas Cranach I circa 1505 - 1520 oil panel cm 67 46 5 Institution Statens Museum for Kunst Copenhagen accession number KMSsp712 object history - 1666 I Gottorps Inventar 1666 se Harry Schmidt 435 ; - 1814 fra Gottorp som Wohlgemuth og Dürer ; - Kunstkammeret Placeringshistorie - 1971 RM Transfer 1814 credit line LangSwitch PÃ¥ den hvide hests remknapper pÃ¥ seletøj et er malet henholdsvist et A og et W hvilket ifølge Karl Madsen 1904 foranledigede Spengler til at tilskrive værket Dürer og Michael Wohlgemuth Wegen des šA ˜ und šW ˜ auf den Beschlägen des Zaumzeugs des weißen Pferdes früher Albrecht Dürer und Michael Wohlgemuth zugeschrieben Because of the 'A' and 'W' on the fittings of the bridle of the white horse before Albrecht Dürer and Michael Wohlgemuth attribute Friedländer Rosenberg 1978 No FR038B http //www smk dk/en/explore-the-art/search-smk/ /detail/KMSsp712 Statens Museum for Kunst København<br/>http //www lucascranach org/object php obj DK_SMK_KMSsp712_FR038B uid 926 page 1 fol 01_Overall img DK_SMK_KMSsp712_FR038B_2009-03-13_Overall tif Cranach Digital Archiv http //www smk dk/en/explore-the-art/the-royal-collections/work-in-artsdatabase/view/index/Start/kunstvaerk/korsfaestelsen-3/ detailed Statens Museum for Kunst and http //soeg smk dk/Vark asp Type Udvidet ObjectId 5197 SMK's Art Database PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Cranach Lucas 1; Crucifixion; Copenhagen; 1520 Religious paintings by Lucas Cranach I German paintings in Statens Museum for Kunst 16th-century paintings of the Crucifixion of Christ Renaissance paintings |