Keywords: Lippincott seeds (16187206049).jpg 34 <br> MISS C H LIPPINCOTT <br> STOCK TEN WEEKS <br> THE LARGEST FLOWERING GLOBE PYRAMIDAL <br> Immense spikes of perfectly double flowers pyramidal <br> in shape the individual blooms frequently measur- <br> ing from 2 to 2 2 inches in diameter ranging in <br> color from crimson rose white blue lilac brown �- <br> and yellow They are greatly prized for cut 5 <br> flowers on account of their fragxance and j - <br> diversity of colors Pkt 100 seeds 5 cts - <br> WHITE PERPETUAL PRINCESS <br> ALICE � The individual flowers are un <br> commonly large of fine rosette like <br> shape and of the purest possible white <br> If sown early will produce u great <br> abundance of bloom from June until <br> November Pkt 100 seeds 5 cts <br> PEACH BLOSSOM � The plants are <br> of neat pyramidal habit of growth <br> crowded with magnificent heads of <br> beautifully shaped perfectly double <br> sweet-scented flowers of a delicate <br> peach-blossom color For beauty and \ <br> long continuance of bloom it is unsur- <br> passed Pkt 100 seeds 5 cts <br> DWARF GERJWAN � Fine mix <br> 100 seeds 6 cts <br> Pkt <br> STOCK TEN WEEKS <br> SCHIZANTHUS <br> BUTTERFLY FLOWER � The Poor Man's <br> Orchid neat pyramidal bushes covered with <br> a multitude of small butterfly-like flowers of <br> the most brilliant and striking color designs <br> Pkt 500 seeds 5 cts <br> VIOLET VIOLA <br> The violet should not be wanting in <br> ny garden on account of its fragrance <br> and early appearance Succeeds best <br> n a shady sheltered place and can be <br> easily increased by dividing the roots <br> Finest mixed Pkt 150 seeds 5 cts <br> VINCA ROSEA <br> A free flowering perennial with <br> glossy green foliage and beautiful cir- <br> cular flowers of a fine rose color If <br> sown early under glass and transplant- <br> ed in a warm situation will bloom in <br> the summer and autumn and may be <br> potted for the house before frost Pkt <br> 100 seeds 5 cts <br> SCHIZANTHUS <br> Your seeds have proved thoiKselves <br> O K so this year I am enlarging <br> the order and taking advantage of <br> your premium <br> �Miss Mabel Thornton <br> Shaw Kans March 3rd 1915 42205442 132981 65968 Page 34 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42205442 1915 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss C H Lippincott Firm NameFound Orchid NameFound Schizanthus NameConfirmed Schizanthus aff pinnatus Reeves 24 EOLID 11884489 NameFound Vinca rosea NameConfirmed Vinca rosea EOLID 581125 NameBankID 2775716 Biodiversity Heritage Library Lippincott seeds 1916 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Fruit Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42205442 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42205442 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16187206049 2015-08-25 05 56 47 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Lippincott seeds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |