Keywords: Leonardo da Vinci - Half-Length Figure of an Apostle, 1493-1495 - Google Art Project.jpg - 1493 1595 1452 1452 1519 1519 Leonardo Male 470005 da Vinci Italian 1452 - 1519 /collection/albertina-vienna/artwork/half-length-figure-of-an-apostle-1493-1495-leonardo-da-vinci/469007/ 17614 Leonardo da Vinci Painter /artist/leonardo-da-vinci/4132008/ 4132008 /collection/albertina-vienna/ Albertina Vienna 413048 http //www albertina at/ 12/8/2011 11 43 24 AM /collection/albertina-vienna/artwork/half-length-figure-of-an-apostle-1493-1495-leonardo-da-vinci/469007/ 1493 1493-1595 469007 False 1495 3/24/2012 2 45 59 AM 27 Albertina Vienna Silverpoint pen and brown ink on blue prepared paper 1490 1500 1493-1595 False 0 783203125 Object half-length-figure-of-an-apostle-1493-1495-leonardo-da-vinci Half-Length Figure of an Apostle 1493-1495 h special url_id bAGjZ7zpYVEKyQ PD-old-100-1923 1519 Studies for the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci Google Art Project works by Leonardo da Vinci Italian drawings in the Albertina Leonardo Da Vinci |