Keywords: Labour unrest in South Africa.jpeg Life is filled with challenges and opportunities The question is are you ready for them At NHLRA Legal and Labour Association we help you be ready for whatever life brings with the right labour law protection the right labour practioner we can help you manage your risk Every business day brings new risks and new opportunities With the latest labour unrest in our country employees and employers need mediators that are willing and have the necessary labour law expertise to resolve matters as soon as possible Mediators must be willing to listen and educate Employees are not happy with unions anymore employees are asking what are the unions really doing for us On the other side employers feel the same if unions put proper systems in place to negotiate and bargain right through the year these labour unrests will never take place unions will have to educate his members The NHLRA Legal and Labour Association recommends government to implement fixed acceptable well negotiated salaries for each and every profession in South Africa this will put an end to the practice where one person earns a R114 million per year and the other only R36000 00 per year Obviously criteria will have to be met if unions still want to have a future in this country they will have to educate their members how the economy work unfortunately the NHLRA has to agree with workers you just cannot pay one person a salary of R114 million per year and the other person get only R36 000 per year there should be transparency Managing Risk and fair Labour Practices are about more than selecting the right union employers and employees should have the right to choose who they want to allow to bargain and negotiate on their behalf Employers and employees feel the big unions are forced onto them this is in breach of our constitution every person has the right to choose every business owner has the right to choose with whom he/she wants to negotiate My last short note the writer of this article cannot believe that the unions and government do not realize there is a third force behind this labour unrest The NHLRA Legal and Labour Association offer powerful tools and services to help you keep your risk and labour practices controlled everybody in our country has the right to be heard 2012-10-17 own assumed Labourguru Tata LTP Tata vehicles in South Africa |