Keywords: Kudurru Melishipak Louvre Sb23 Ishtar-star.jpg Detail of a kudurru stele of King Melishipak I 1186 “1172 BC showing a version of the ancient Mesopotamian eight-pointed star symbol of the goddess Ishtar Inana/Inanna representing the planet Venus as the morning or evening star - 1186 1172 BC limestone grey-black Museum Louvre Department of Oriental Antiquities Richelieu ground floor room 3 object history credit line Excavated by Jacques de Morgan accession number Sb 23 cropped version of File Kudurru Melishipak Louvre Sb23 jpg by Marie-Lan Nguyen 2005 Kudurru Melishipak Louvre Sb23 jpg Ishtar-star-symbol svg Inanna Ishtar Symbols of religion Venus symbols Octagrams Archaeological star glyphs Kudurru of Meli-Shipak II - Land grant to Hunnubat-Nannaya |