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Keywords: József Rippl-Rónai - Lady in red - Google Art Project.jpg commons artist commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title en Lady in red core date dateCreated 1898 core location locationCreated en Neuilly Paris core format en w125 x h230 cm Complete core type en Tapestry core rights en Museum of Aplied Arts Budapest 2012 core relation http //collections imm hu/gyujtemeny/falikarpit-vorosruhas-no/14 core format medium en Embroidered in wool with flat stitch over congrait art artist_date 1861/1927 art artist_nationality en Hungarian c-0c16f450 customtext signatures _inscriptions _and_markings en Signed on the bottom left Rónai 1898 c-0c16f450 customtext provenance en Acquired from the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest earlier in the dining room of the Buda palace of Count Tivadar Andrássy /1857-1905/ c-0c16f450 customtext production_note en Embroidered by Lazarine Boudrion Paris - Neuilly 1898 c-0c16f450 customtext place_part_of en Paris c-0c16f450 creator designer en József Rippl-Rónai c-0c16f450 customtext signatures _inscriptions _and_markings_extent en Complete c-0c16f450 customtext provenance_extent en Complete c-0c16f450 customtext production_note_extent en Complete c-0c16f450 customtext medium_extent en Complete google display_date 1898 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 000000000c16f450 google partner/name en Museum of Applied Arts Budapest google picasa_token zT1TehdLkdsCwB015Seqs9P1nXg special url_id nQHFY65JglMJIA special partner/name_no_lang Museum of Applied Arts Budapest PD-old-auto-1923 1927 József Rippl-Rónai Google Art Project works by József Rippl-Rónai
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