Keywords: john w. burgess special collection photo the reverse of the photograph is filled with various notes johnwburgessspecialcollectionphotothereverseofthephotographisfilledwithvariousnotes such as 1 prop engine left our for clarity. suchas1propengineleftourforclarity â 1959 â1959 text airplane vehicle aircraft drawing photo border sketch Catalog #: 09_00263 Title: John W. Burgess Special Collection Photo The reverse of the photograph is filled with various notes, such as ""1 prop engine left our for clarity."" Additional Information: Secret Drawing for the preliminary study of the World's First Atomic Engine Aicraft, Tags: John W. Burgess Special Collection Photo The reverse of the photograph is filled with various notes, such as ""1 prop engine left our for clarity."", 1959 Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive Catalog #: 09_00263 Title: John W. Burgess Special Collection Photo The reverse of the photograph is filled with various notes, such as ""1 prop engine left our for clarity."" Additional Information: Secret Drawing for the preliminary study of the World's First Atomic Engine Aicraft, Tags: John W. Burgess Special Collection Photo The reverse of the photograph is filled with various notes, such as ""1 prop engine left our for clarity."", 1959 Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive |