Keywords: Jeanne Samary portrait by Louise Abbéma.jpg Artwork en Portrait of Jeanne Samary French actress fr Portrait de Jeanne Samary actrice française 1857-1890 1879 Выставлялась в Салоне Oil on canvas Institution Carnavalet Inv P 2680 object history Donation François-Gérard Seligmann 2000 http //3 bp blogspot com/_0r9KVfDbP4E/SEgcaEDwGyI/AAAAAAAAAzk/-r1_huDM9YI/s1600-h/Sans+titre +Louise+Abb C3 A9ma bmp Public domain other versions 100px PD-old-auto 1927 Louise Abbéma 19th-century portrait paintings in the Musée Carnavalet 1879 Jeanne Samary 1879 1879 oil on canvas paintings in France Portrait 1879 portrait paintings from France 19th-century oil portraits of standing women at three-quarter length 1879 Grey clothing in art female 1879 Portrait paintings with black background 1879 Salon of 1879 People of France in 1879 |