Keywords: Inscription on the house in which Columbus is believed to have been born - 3c03074v.jpg en Inscription on the house in which Columbus is believed to have been born in Genoa The original one was destroided during Genoa-France war 1684 it Lapide presente sulla casa che tradizionalmente viene indicata come la casa in cui e' nato Colombo La casa originale s' stata sistrutta durante i bombardamenti francesi del 1684 e ricostruita e modificata nei secoli successivi LOC-image cph 3c03074 National Photo Company Collection between 1909 1932 PD-old Christopher Columbus house in Genoa Here-was-born plaques in Genoa Houses by association in Italy Plaques installed in 1650 Plaques installed in 1826 Plaques installed in 1872 |