Keywords: Б.Кампанини.jpg Artwork ru По т ет танцовщицы Ба ба ы Кампанини она же Ба ба ина 1724-1799 аботы Антуана Пэна 1683-1757 холст/масло есто асположения ка тины Frisörmuseum Фише коппель 5 24340 Экке нфё де Ге мания de Portrait der Tänzerin Barbara Campanini genannt La Barberina 1724-1799 Gemälde von Antoine Pesne 1683-1757 Öl auf Leinwand um 1745 Ort Frisörmuseum Fischerkoppel 5 24340 Eckernförde Deutschland c 1745 / п иблизительная дата создания 1745 г Oil on canvas http //www deutsche-digitale-bibliothek de/item/VPR655JZAFKUU77TMU36M46NBDSOHOBG other versions PD-old-100 Antoine Pesne 18th-century portrait paintings location missing 1745c Barbara Campanini 1745c 1740s oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1740s portrait paintings from France Male 18th-century oil portraits of women at half length 1745c Females with bracelets in art 1745c Females with pearl earrings in art 1745c Portrait paintings of female dancers 1745c Portrait paintings of women with flowers on clothing 1745c Portrait paintings of women with hair flowers 1745c |