Keywords: Hagia Sophia Istanbul 2013 13.jpg mosque Hagia Sophia in Istanbul Turkey mešity Hagia Sofia v tureckém Istanbulu own Karelj 2013-08-23 41 0 30 50 N 28 58 47 70 E region TR Views of the interior of Hagia Sophia Allah medallion in Hagia Sophia Muhammad medallion in Hagia Sophia Umar medallion in Hagia Sophia ImageNote 1 1824 970 318 342 2400 1618 2 Allah الله ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 1158 1072 261 216 2400 1618 2 Muhammad محمّد ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 582 1039 273 243 2400 1618 2 Umar عمر ImageNoteEnd 3 |