Keywords: Gynaikeie Petit Palais ADUT00333.jpg Gynaeceum scene Attic red-figure pelike 440 “430 BC From Nola Scène de gynĂ©cĂ©e PĂ©likĂ© attique Ă figures rouges 440-430 av J -C Provenance Nola Museum Petit Palais Room 4 The Greek world object history credit line Dutuit Bequest 1902 accession number Inv ADUT00333 User Bibi Saint-Pol own work 2007-01-10 other versions Pelikai Attic red-figure pottery Ancient Greek pottery in the MusĂ©e des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris Dutuit Collection Ancient Greek pottery from Nola 440s BC pottery in France Paris 430s BC pottery in France Paris Gynaeceum in ancient Greek pottery |