Keywords: Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 1274 - Da foglio di provini.jpg Wilhelm von Gloeden 1856-1931 Fauno Numero di catalogo 1274 Questa immagine è stata anche trasformata http //www getty edu/art/collection/objects/100945/baron-wilhelm-von-gloeden-il-fauno-gigante-german-1899-1920/ in una cartolina col titolo Il fauno gigante Wilhelm von Gloeden 1856-1931 Faun Catalogue number 1274 This image was also made into http //www getty edu/art/collection/objects/100945/baron-wilhelm-von-gloeden-il-fauno-gigante-german-1899-1920/ a postcard with the title the giant Faun From a contact sheet by Gloeden circa 1898 Creator Wilhelm von Gloeden PD-old-auto-1923 1931 Wilhelm von Gloeden's Great Faun 1274 Furs |