Keywords: GlobalTemperaturesSince1991.png This figure shows the Monthly global temperatures after the 1960-1991 average The data for temperature is relative to the 1960-91 average as is as given by Hadcrut3 http //hadobs metoffice com/hadcrut3/diagnostics/global/nh 2Bsh/monthly the average temperature is a rolling average of 12 months Carbon dioxide concentrations are yearly averages taken from http //www esrl noaa gov/gmd/ with scale adjusted so that 1992 is zero The primary reason for uploading the file is as a visual aid to highlight that recent trend has been for cooling and so prompt a discussion about the use of phrases such as recent warming The CO<sub>2</sub> scale ranges from a low value of 356 ppm to a high of 382 ppmftp //ftp cmdl noaa gov/ccg/co2/trends/co2_annmean_mlo txt Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User SchuminWeb using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2008-02-20 Original uploader was Isonomia at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia Isonomia Original upload log page en wikipedia GlobalTemperaturesSince1991 png 2008-03-15 10 11 Isonomia 1076×664× 46975 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2008-02-20 19 41 Isonomia 977×600× 42442 bytes <nowiki>This figure shows the Monthly global temperatures after the 1960-1991 average The data for temperature is relative to the 1960-91 average as is as given by Hadcrut3 http //hadobs metoffice com/hadcrut3/diagnostics/global/nh 2Bsh/monthly the average te</nowiki> Global warming graphs Line charts Diagrams in English |