MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...Battista Tiepolo - Design for Dedication Page to Charles III of Spain and the Two Sicilies - Google Art Project.jpg 1692 1770 Giovanni-Battista 4091274 Tiepolo 1692 - 1770 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/...
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Keywords: Giovanni-Battista Tiepolo - Design for Dedication Page to Charles III of Spain and the Two Sicilies - Google Art Project.jpg 1692 1770 Giovanni-Battista 4091274 Tiepolo 1692 - 1770 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/design-for-dedication-page-to-charles-iii-of-spain-and-the-two-sicilies-giovanni-battista-tiepolo/6715262/ 58344 Giovanni-Battista Tiepolo /artist/giovanni-battista-tiepolo/4126027/ 4126027 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/ Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum 3644669 http //www cooperhewitt org/ 3/11/2012 5 40 44 PM /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/design-for-dedication-page-to-charles-iii-of-spain-and-the-two-sicilies-giovanni-battista-tiepolo/6715262/ 1752 ca 1762 Pen and brown ink brush and wash black chalk on white laid paper Probably Sarah Hewitt 354 6715262 False 1772 3/25/2012 5 44 36 AM 1938-57-219-a http //collection cooperhewitt org/view/objects/asitem/id/58344 Bequest of Erskine Hewitt Drawing 1750 1780 w245 x h354 cm ca 1762 False 0 712890625 Object design-for-dedication-page-to-charles-iii-of-spain-and-the-two-sicilies-giovanni-battista-tiepolo Design for Dedication Page to Charles III of Spain and the Two Sicilies d 245 Cooper Union Museum former name of Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum SI Five Centuries of Drawing New York American Federation of the Arts 1959 p 13 no 29 Wunder Richard P Extravagant Drawings of the Eighteenth Century from the Collection of the Cooper Union Museum New York Lambert-Specter 1962 p 105 no 69 illus Knox George Tiepolo A Bicentennial Exhibition 1770-1970 Drawings mainly from American Collections by Giambattista Tiepolo and Members of his Circle Cambridge MA Fogg Art Museum Harvard no 96 Bean Jacob and Felice Stampfle Drawings from New York Collections III The 18th Century in Italy New York Metropolitan Museum of Art/Pierpont Morgan Library pp 64-65 no 150 illus 18th Century Venetian Drawings from American Academic Collections Seattle The Henry Gallery University of Washington Art 1974 no 20 illus Morassi Antonio Sui Disegni del Tiepolo Arte Veneta vol XXIV 1971 p 299 nos 434 435 Pignatti Terisio Tiepolo Disegni Florence La Nuova Italia 1974 pl LXIII Lynes Russell More than Meets the Eye New York Cooper Hewitt Museum 1981 p 66 Succi Dario Giambattista Tiepolo Il segno e l'enigma Vianello Libri/Foligraf 1985 p 76 illus Marini G ed Giovanni Volpato Rome 1988 under no 146 Martineau Jane and Andrew Robison The Glory of Venice Art in the Eighteenth Century New Haven Yale University Press 1994 pp 215 illus 503 no 130 35 4 x 24 5cm 13 15/16 x 9 5/8in New York NY - CUM Five Centuries of Drawing The Cooper Union Centennial Exhibition Selected and arranged by The Cooper Union Museum organized by The American Federation of Arts November 11 1959 - November 11 1961 Cambridge MA- The Fogg Art Museum Harvard University Tiepolo A Bicentennial Exhibition 1770-1970 Drawings mainly from American Collections by Giambattista Tiepolo and Members of his Circle March 14-May 3 1971 New York NY- Metropolitan Museum of Art Drawings from New York Collections III The 18th Century in Italy January 30-March 21 1971 Seattle WA-Henry Art Gallery University of Washington 18th Century Venetian Drawings from American Academic Collections September 22-October 20 1974 London England- Royal Academy of Art The Glory of Venice Art in the Eighteenth Century September 15-December 14 1994 Inscribed in graphite lower left Gio Batta Tiepolo inv e del ; lower right Giovanni Volpato incis Venezia; on mount in pen and brown ink lower left de Juan Bacctista 'Tiepolo's; lower right lo Volpato Stamps verso Cooper Union Museum New York Pen and brown ink brush and wash black chalk on white laid paper White laid paper Probably Sarah Hewitt special url_id aQFIFce9GH2NJw PD-old-100-1923 1770 Collections of the Cooper �Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Google Art Project works by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Google Art Project works in Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
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